Resources for our clients
If you’re a client in any of our programs, then these resources are for you
Most of these resources will be used to deliver our programs — e.g., our programs are delivered inside Practice Better™, supplements are generally dispensed through Fullscript™, standard labs are generally ordered through Evexia Diagnostics®, and functional labs are generally ordered through Rupa Health®. We are proud to be among the few functional medicine/nutrition clinics that do NOT mark up prices for labs or supplements for our client-members.
Access the client-member app/portal powered by Practice Better™.
Access the meal planning software powered by RealPlans™.
Shop practitioner-grade nutritional supplements on Fullscript™ — material connection.
Shop practitioner-grade nutritional supplements on Wellevate™ — material connection.
Shop consumer-direct lab testing on Direct Labs®.
Shop consumer-direct, practitioner-grade nutritional supplements at Village Green Apothecary®. Located in Bethesda, MD.
Shop consumer-direct lab testing on Evexia Diagnostics® — material connection.
Shop consumer-direct lab testing on Rupa Health® — material connection.
Discloser: As a convenience and cost-savings for you, our client-members, our practice has partnered with Natural Partners/Fullscript and Emerson/Wellevate, virtual supplement dispensaries, to manage inventory and deliver on your behalf. We can provide a discount to you from what you would pay for the same products as a retail customer. We value and trust Natural Partners/Fullscript and Emerson/Wellevate to provide practitioner-grade supplements through their dispensary. Additionally, our practice has partnered with Evexia Diagnostics and Rupa Health, virtual lab dispensaries, to manage inventory and deliver on your behalf. We can provide a discount to you from what you would pay for the same products as a retail customer. We do not mark up the prices for profit. We value and trust Evexia Diagnostics and Rupa Health to provide lab orders/requisitions and lab kits through their dispensary. However, you are not obligated to purchase these supplements or lab products from our partners or us. You may purchase the same products elsewhere. And, your quality of care in our office will not be affected by your decision to purchase or not purchase products from our practice.